Instant Pain Neutralising Technique
Pain Neutralizing Technique
“Oh wow! This is magic, my pain is gone.” Is a typical response from people trying out this pain relieving new technique. To be pain free is Priceless!
Instant Pain Relief – P.N.T.
Amazingly, the pain and limitation you experience could actually be triggered by other muscles, tendons, ligaments, possibly even being quite a distance from the subjective pain you experience. This if often the reason issues keep coming back for years in spite of various treatments. PNT techniques gently and instantly turn off the objective pain at the various trigger points, with a very good chance of the subjective pain instantly disappearing as well. In some cases, a few treatments are needed along with a maintenance program.
A wonderful new system of Pain Neutralizing techniques by Dr Stephen Kaufman, Denver, USA, though amazingly gentle, can release chronic and acute pain within seconds! By first locating the actual source of the pain, whether muscular, a tendon or ligament issue, and acupuncture point of meridian energy line which is causing the blockages. These are often a considerable distance away from the palpable pain spot. Then, various techniques are used to release the trigger points which originally activated the problem – even long term pain of many years can be released within a few sessions. Continuous unresolved pain can be because the problem is not where the actual pain site is. Treating the painful area doesn’t necessarily work because the source of the pain isn’t being worked on.
Often cellular memory of the trauma experienced at the time of injury is what is continuously re-activating the pain, a reason why it never dissipates, (sending patients to try all types of treatments and medication) – and with this treatment, even the cellular memory is released, allowing the person to be pain free at last!
Vertigo sufferers who have been on medication for years have been thrilled to have relief from their unpleasant symptoms. “It’s magic, my vertigo is gone!” says Cinda Ramos of Durban. Her vertigo was totally gone within two treatments. It entails discovering the source of the pain, whether a muscle, tendon or ligament issue, an acupuncture point or meridian line causing the blockage and then releasing it, along with the cellular memory of the trauma.