Body Talk

Body Talk is an astonishingly gentle, simple and effective form of therapy which allows the body’s energy systems to be re-synchronized, so that they may operate as nature intended; to Self-Heal. Body Talk has been proven to be very effective in addressing many common diseases and ailments such as:

Back Pain; Chronic Fatigue; Allergies; Digestive Disorders; Arthritis; Low Self-Confidence; Irritability/Anger; Anxiety/Stress; Headaches/Migraines; PMS; A.D.D.; Sinusitis/Hay Fever; Recurrent Flu/Infections; Depression; Insomnia; Acne; Fibromyalgia; Fears and Phobias

Just as 90% of what makes up an iceberg lies unseen beneath the ocean, so too, do all concepts, emotions, habits and unconscious beliefs, create the story which is you, lie hidden beneath the surface. Symptoms represent the “tip” of the iceberg.

Modern science recognizes that the body is composed of different forms of energy operating at different frequencies.

Each body system, each cell, is in constant communication with every other part of the body. As we are exposed to the stresses of day-to-day life; for example exams, traffic, worrying and pollution; these lines of communication become disrupted. When healthy lines of communication become compromised in this way, it can often lead to a decline in physical, emotional and mental health.

Body Talk works with the body’s inborn ability to heal itself; the innate wisdom which so effortlessly knits together our skin after a deep wound, and determines which cells of a developing embryo should migrate to the ear, and which go to the big toe.

Body Talk is a modality that deals with the whole system. Its power lies in the fact that it helps facilitate better communication between the different parts of the body-mind, improving relationships so we can have greater well-being whether it’s physically or psychologically. So potentially, Body Talk can help with a number of issues and the benefits can be quite profound.

For example, an individual may be experiencing pain and dysfunction as a result of inadequate drainage of lymph from an area. Body Talk can help the body release that lymph by identifying what may be blocking the flow of fluids. Once that happens, a number of other issues may begin to clear up as energy begins to flow more smoothly through the previously congested area of the body.

Body Talk works with the innate wisdom of the body through the use of muscle checking, similar to Applied Kinesiology. By asking specific questions and getting yes/no answers through the muscle checking, we identify areas of the body that may need to be better synchronized. Once those areas are highlighted, we use hand positions, specific intentions, and a gentle tapping technique to help those areas work better together – like making music and making sure musicians are better tuned in to each other.

Having regular Body Talk sessions is supportive of allowing the body to perform accelerated healing, maintaining optimal health levels and preventing illness and disease.


Leila Edwards heard about me and made an appointment, she battled to get out of the car, and she had a long list of complaints. Old habits die hard and she found it difficult to let go or give up some of the things which were doing the most harm. Messages that I received during body talk would amaze her. Now she is energetic, headaches have gone, she had a persistent cough that is gone, and she no longer has swollen ankles and water retention. Her body is in tune with its needs and quickly tells her when she is straying from a healthy lifestyle.