Acne & Pimples – BodyTalk
A skin disease mostly found during adolescence. Inflammatory: Hair follicles and their associated sebaceous glands are inflamed, with possible scarring. Non inflammatory: commonly referred to as pimples, spots, or zits.
BodyTalk appeals to teenagers as it is non-invasive, and a client always remains fully dressed.
- Diet – Milk, processed foods, and refined sugars are common food allergies that cause acne.
- Hormonal activity – Puberty, and its associated fluctuations in estrogen and testosterone levels, cause hormonal imbalances. Sebaceous glands often become overactive during this time. BodyTalk balances the hormones released by the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, and testes.
- Stress – Pre-exam stress, problematic situations, peer pressure, and lack of regular sleep can also be underlying causes of acne. BodyTalk looks at the person holistically, addressing frustrations, insecurities, anger, fear, anxiety, and the confusion caused by constantly having to adapt to changing hormonal levels.
- Medication – Regular medications such as inhalers and antibiotics may have side effects and cause an already toxic liver to become overwhelmed. BodyTalk regulates, harmonizes, balances, and detoxifies the liver.
The BodyTalk System is a form of natural healthcare that can be used as a stand-alone system, and also integrated with any other modality in health and preventative care.
It recognizes and addresses all sides of the human being, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, hereditary, and environmental.<.p>
BodyTalk is a simple, effective, and non-invasive method that makes use of the body’s innate healing powers. Communication is restored among all the parts of the body, then reinforced by light tapping on the head, chest and stomach.
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