Hot Flushes

Thank you Glynnis and BodyTalk!

In September last year I had a digestive problem caused by an operation to remove my gallbladder 15 years earlier. I had permanent diarrhoea. Went to to loo +- 20 times a day. I also had a stressful life. Don’t we all! Also hot flashes, bad sleeping habits and dry left eye. Many emotional problems one does not connect to the above list. But they all go hand in hand.

My lifestyle has changed dramatically. No hot flashes or dry eye. Best of all, I can go to the beach without having to sit right next to a toilet. Go to the bank without leaving the queue. Learning to tap my cortices every day has given me quiet time each day.

I cannot put into words how BodyTalk and Glynnis has changed my life around.

Thank you so much!!

Moira – Cell: 073 220 5798
19 May 2010